
Sales Engagement Technology: Eliminate Wasted Content and Drive Sales Effectiveness

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Sales Engagement Technology: Eliminate Wasted Content and Drive Sales Effectiveness

It’s an open secret – 65 percent of all marketing-produced content is not used by sales teams, according to B2B advisory firm SiriusDecisions.  In a recent webinar, Sales Engagement Technology: Guiding Reps and Delivering Buyer Insights, Peter Ostrow, Research Director at SiriusDecisions, and Michael Schultz, VP of Marketing at ClearSlide, examine how Sales Engagement Platforms can give reps the tools and insights they need to become high performers.

If sales reps can’t find the content they need when they need it – or quickly personalize content – they put deals at risk. Top-performing reps know how critical it is to align targeted content to every stage of the buyer’s journey. Ostrow shared SiriusDecisions research which shows that winning sales reps present prospects with more assets (17.3) throughout the sales cycle then average performers. This difference is critical because 79 percent of B2B buyers view the content provided to them by sales reps as being very or extremely influential in the vendor selection process.

Ostrow underscores how Sales Engagement Platforms not only make it easier for reps to find, use, and customize sales content that they present externally, but also to access internal “empowerment content” that helps them better anticipate and respond to prospects’ needs. Sales Engagement Platforms provide valuable insights that can help marketing organizations greatly reduce the likelihood that sales content will go to waste.

View the full webinar here: Sales Engagement Technology: Guiding Reps and Delivering Buyer Insights