
Make the Most Out of Your Meetings with New Insights

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Make the Most Out of Your Meetings with New Insights

Introducing the new Meeting Recap page, designed to help you make the most out of your meetings with insights and analytics to reach new levels of productivity. 

At ClearSlide, we’re always thinking about ways to help our users make the most out of our integrated content, communications, and analytics capabilities. But with so much activity going on in the everyday lives of sales people, it can be difficult to remember the details of your interactions with prospects and customers. 

Our new Meeting Recap page has been redesigned with the goal of making it even easier to revisit and take action based on the insights from your last meeting. We’re excited to reveal new features along with a facelift to help power up your sales follow-up activities.

“I love the new Meeting Recap layout. It’s awesome having the ability to watch the video in the recap screen … I also really like being able to hover over the recap and see who was engaged during each part of the presentation. That gives me a lot of insight into what my prospects were paying attention to so I can focus on what was important to them in any of my follow-ups.” – Sales & Marketing Operations Manager, Major SaaS Company

Meeting recaps provide a great deal of value, whether it’s understanding what content or messaging resonated, getting analytics on where you may have lost momentum, and how your delivery compared to the rest of your team. There’s something of value for everyone.

With the new Meeting Recap you can:

  • Understand and measure engagement: Get a deep dive into high-value, moment-by-moment engagement data in a visually compelling way. See who was the most engaged viewer during your presentation.
  • Revisit what you talked about: Meeting recordings are now added directly onto the page. Play back the recording in-frame, easily jump to a specific part of the meeting and review your conversation at any moment.
  • Quickly jump into action directly from Meeting Recap: Follow up with meeting attendees directly from Meeting Recap! Launch an email or create a link with any of the content you shared during your presentation.

Head on over to our Help Center Guide to learn more. The new Meeting Recap is now available to all ClearSlide customers – try it for yourself and let us know what you think.

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